Thursday, March 20, 2008

New Website from Rob

Slightly un-related to Cadence Creek, but none-the-less...

Rob has just designed another website for a client. is the new website for Corrie, a Nail Technician serving the Sherwood Park and Edmonton Area. She offers Manicures, Pedicures, etc, and uses Bio Sculpture Gel Nails

Check her out!

If you like what you see, and a you or someone you know are in need of an affordable and efficient website, let Rob know - (780) 951 3212 /

Friday, March 7, 2008

Water, water everywhere!

It looks like 'Mud Month' (traditonally April) is coming early this year. All it takes is a couple of days of warmer weather (like today) and the snow starts to melt and the mud starts to appear.

The annoying thing is that there's basically nothing we can do about it right now. The solution to the mud is better drainage, but we can't dig ditchs or drains until the ground is less frozen - right now it's just the surface that is melting, nothing below about 2 inches.

We have been, and will continue to, bring in gravel for the parking lot, but until we can fix the drainage, it just gets swallowed by the mud.

So make sure you bring your rubber boots when you come out to the farm!

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Lorenzo, the Flying Frenchmen

It'd be amazing to be able to see him live.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Summer Camp Marketing

We've just kicked off marketing for 2008's Summer Camps, but I have a question for you...

What do you think we should do to market our Summer Camps?

We've dramatically increased our capacity this year from last year, as we filled very quickly last year, but we'd like to make sure that everyone who should know about the camps does know about them.

Leave a comment with any suggestions!

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Cancelled Lessons.... Again

We had to cancel today's lessons, as it's really too cold. Originally we'd intended on running them, but upon going outside this morning, we figure we shouldn't.

We really don't like cancelling lessons, but we'd rather that people enjoy them.

We've learnt that next year we won't be doing lessons in January and February. We'll go from September to mid December, and then March, April, and then May and June.

On a warmer note, Summer Camp registrations are going well. We've always filled all of our places, so if you're intending on registering, do so soon to make sure you've got a spot.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Summer Camps Website

I've just put the 2008 Horse Summer Camps website live at

New for this year, we're offering week long overnight camps for Level 2 and above girls, aged 8 to 17. We're very excited about this new camp. The girls will be staying in the bunk room that will be above the barn, keeping them right in the middle of all the action. We'll be doing 2 camps - one for ages 8 to 12 and one for ages 12 to 17.

This will be our third year for summer camps, and every year we've filled within a few weeks of opening registration, so don't delay and register today. If you register and pay in full by March 15th, you'll also get a 10% early bird discount.

So check out Horseback Riding Summer Camps at Cadence Creek Equine Centre, near Edmonton

Monday, January 28, 2008

Snowy Roads and Canceled Lessons

Wow, what a turn the weather took. We all knew it was coming, but it's still not nice.

As you might know, we canceled lessons for Monday night as it's going to be VERY cold (-30c kind of cold). Add to that the fact the roads are terrible, and it's be irresponsible of us to run lessons. We'll probably be canceling Wednesday and Thursday night's lessons too.

Talking of the roads, we got stuck last night. We were on our way home from dinner in Edmonton, and we had to pop in to our neighbors to feed their horses. Well, I took the turn for their driveway a couple of feet too early and ended up in the ditch, well and truly stuck. We went down to the neighbors house to use their truck to pull us out, but it didn't work so well. We then got their truck stuck. Just goes to show that even with two 3/4 tonne 4x4 pickups, you're still at the mercy of the weather.

We ended up calling AMA and they came out and pulled both trucks out around 2am.

So, avoid the roads if you can. And call us to confirm your lesson is still on if you haven't heard from us. As always, take it slow when coming out here. We'd rather you be a little late, than not make it at all.

By the way, the horses are fine. They're all standing in front of bales of hay, keeping warm by eating. They have shelter from the wind too. Horses actually handle extreme cold better than they handle heat in the summer. By summer we'll have a shade system installed, as well as a new watering system to ensure the horses are ok in the heat.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Photos from Today

I took some photos this morning (Saturday) during lessons. As you can see, the barn and arena are coming along nicely.

You can see the rest at

Friday, January 25, 2008

Cadence Creek on Facebook

Did you know that Cadence Creek is on Facebook? Probably not!

Visit (and join!) our Facebook group at

PD Day Camps

We're going to be running 5 PD Day Camps this Spring (why Edmonton and Sherwood Park couldn't have their PD Days on the same days, I don't know...).

They'll be 3 in early February for Sherwood Park Schools (Elk Island District) and 2 in late February for Edmonton Schools.

See for all the information and a registration form.

We're also going to be running some Spring Break camps (Monday 31st March to Friday 4th April). They'll probably be a 3 day camp and a 2 day camp. Watch this space for more info!

We're going to give this blogging thing a try. Feel free to leave a comment, and check back regularly for more posts from people at Cadence Creek.